

  • Dirección de Viviane de Muynck y Jan Lauwers
  • basada en el capítulo final del Ulises de James Joyce
  • Country: Chile - Bélgica
  • Premiere: 2022
  • Target audience: +16 years
  • Length: 80 minutes

A superb monologue, which reinforces the need for equality and sexual freedom for women, in the voice of the prominent local actress Gabriela Hernández.

Her husband, her lover, her first love, and the man who makes her yearn are the four imaginary listeners of the monologue sustained by Molly Bloom during a sleepless night, reviewing what has been and could be her life. This older woman—brave, seductive, lascivious, and humorous—seeks to rekindle love with her husband Leopold, but in the process discovers herself, with her complexities and desires, which she has often had to suppress.

Directed by the Belgian Jan Lauwers, this local version stars the distinguished actress Gaby Hernández, and had a successful debut at the Teatro a Mil Festival in 2022, with other acclaimed performances throughout the year. The original adaptation is by Lauwers, along with the artist and actress, well-known as one of the great ladies of European theater, Viviane de Muynck, who plays Molly Bloom.

The history of this adaptation dates back to 1999 when both artists took the last chapter of James Joyce's novel "Ulysses," dedicated to Molly's monologue, the wife of the protagonist Leopold Bloom, with the idea of bringing it to the stage. They did not anticipate that the writer's grandson would prohibit them from using the material through a series of offensive letters. Despite this, they conducted some clandestine dramatized readings in Germany, which were well-received by critics.

Twenty-two years later, with the copyright on James Joyce's work expired, Jan Lauwers directed Viviane de Muynck and Gaby Hernández with a text that, in the era of the #MeToo movement, reinforces the need to discuss emancipation, equality, and sexual freedom for women.

Press quotes:




Concept and direction

Jan Lawers y Viviane de Muynck


Gaby Hernández

Assistant director

Sofía Solís


Fundación Teatro a Mil – Teatro UC


Viviane de Muyinck, creación y dirección

Creation and Direction This Belgian actress and theater and film director (with over 60 films) began her extensive artistic collaboration with director Jan Lauwers and Needcompany in 1993, with whom she has traveled the world playing leading roles. In addition to her work as an actress, she has also directed plays and musicals. In 2018, she was awarded the Ultima Cultural Merit Award by the Flemish government. She is considered the grande dame of European theater.

Jan Lauwers, creación y dirección

Creation and Direction Born in Antwerp in 1957, he is one of the most avant-garde artists in the European artistic scene. In 1986, he founded Needcompany, a company that operates in various facets of the performing arts (theater, dance, performance, visual arts) and is a pioneer in presenting trilingual performances (Flemish, English, and French), with an emphasis on postdramatic texts. Alongside his theatrical work, he has developed a significant career in the visual arts and has ventured into opera direction.

Gaby Hernández, actuación

Acting This theater, film, and TV actress began her career under the wing of the Experimental Theater of the University of Chile, where she trained as an actress. At the age of 24, she worked in Mexico, then in the United States, and later in Spain, where she lived until 1988 when she returned to Chile. Since then, she has been part of the dramatic areas of TVN, Canal 13, and Mega; she has participated in theatrical productions and has also been a TV host on Chilevisión. In 2018, she was recognized by the Chilean Actors' Union for her career.

NeedCompany, la compañía

Founded in 1986 by Belgian artists Jan Lauwers and Grace Ellen Barkey, it is a multidisciplinary group whose work is primarily based on solo performances and avant-garde texts, constantly revisiting the boundaries of art and its importance within society, also seeking new languages. They currently tour in their country and throughout Europe.


Premio Círculo de Críticos de Arte 2022

Best Coproduction

Condecoración de Honor en Oro por Servicios a la República de Austria

To Jan Lauwers

Previous dates:

May 2024

Auditorio Edificio Consistorial, Coquimbo

April 2024

Teatro Regional de Cervantes, Valdivia

October 2023

Teatro Municipal de Vicuña

July 2023

Teatro Municipal de Temuco

April - May 2023

Teatro Finis Terrae

May 2023

Teatro Regional del Maule, Talca

January 2023 Festival Internacional Teatro a Mil

Centro La Cava, San Miguel, Centro Cultural de Quilicura, Teatro Municipal de Chillán, Teatro Regional de Biobio, Concepción

March 2023

Sala de AAEE de Chiguayante

December 2022

Versión digital

December 2022

Teatro Municipal de Ovalle

December 2022

CC Atacama, Copiapó

October - November 2022

Versión digital

October 2022

Teatro Municipal de Punta Arenas

Septiembre 2022 Programa Al Teatro


September 2022

Teatro UC

September 2022

Versión digital

August - September 2022

Teatro UC

January 2022 Festival Internacional Teatro a Mil

Teatro UC

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