

  • Dirección y dramaturgia Guillermo Calderón
  • Country: Chili
  • Premiere: 2011
  • Target audience: + 14 years
  • Length: 70 minutes

After touring the world and seven years after its premiere, Guillermo Calderón's acclaimed production returns to the stage in 2023 as part of the commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the coup d'état in Chile. Villa questions the place of memory and the traces left by human rights violations in Chilean society today.

Villa puts on stage three women discussing how to remodel Villa Grimaldi, the main torture and extermination center of the Pinochet dictatorship. What to do: rebuild the house demolished by the military, build a modern museum? The debate reflects the real discussions taking place in human rights organizations that defend the memory of survivors.

Villa has been presented at the former torture centers José Domingo Cañas, Londres 38, and Villa Grimaldi in Santiago, at the Parque de la Memoria in Buenos Aires, and at festivals in Vienna, Edinburgh, Paris, Madrid, Lisbon, Düsseldorf, Sarajevo, Sao Paulo, Brasilia, Montevideo and Lima, among others.

Villa was premiered at the Teatro a Mil International Festival in January 2011.

Press quotes:



Direction and dramaturgy:

Guillermo Calderón


Macarena Zamudio, Carla Romero y Francisca Lewin

Direction assistance:

María Paz González

Comprehensive design:

María Fernanda Videla


María Paz González


Teatro Playa - Fundación Teatro a Mil


Guillermo Calderón

(Santiago, 1971) He is a playwright, screenwriter, and theater director. In Chile, he has written and directed plays such as Neva, Diciembre, Clase, Villa, Discurso, Escuela, Mateluna, Dragón, and Colina. Internationally, he has premiered works like Beben and Kuss in Düsseldorf, Mateluna at the Hau Hebbel Am Ufer Theater in Berlin, Goldrausch at the Theater Basel in Switzerland, and will soon present B at the Royal Court Theatre in London in September 2017. Additionally, prominent theaters worldwide have invited him to stage new versions of his plays, such as Neva at the Public Theater in New York and the Center Stage in Los Angeles; Villa at The Wild Project in New York, and Discurso, which will be presented in August 2017 as part of the Edinburgh Festival. His productions have been showcased in major theaters and festivals in over 25 countries, earning recognition such as the Critics' Circle Award for Best Play (Neva), the Altazor (Neva and Escuela), and the José Nuez Martín Award from the foundation of the same name and the Faculty of Arts at the Catholic University of Chile (2008).

Calderón has collaborated on scripts for award-winning Chilean films. He co-wrote Violeta se fue a los cielos, directed by Andrés Wood, and alongside director Pablo Larraín, he contributed to the scripts of El Club, winner of the Silver Bear Grand Jury Prize at the Berlin Film Festival and recognized with the Fénix and Platinum Awards for Best Screenplay; Neruda, nominated for the Platino Awards in the Best Screenplay category, and El Conde, awarded the Golden Lion for Best Screenplay at the 2023 Venice Film Festival.

In television, Calderón stands out for his work as a scriptwriter on the series Ecos del desierto.

Currently, he is working on his new play, Vaca, scheduled to premiere in 2024: "a work about contemporary Chile, post-pandemic Chile, a Chile without political direction and without hope".

Guillermo Calderón's Awards:

2023 - Premio Osella en Festival de Cine de Venecia

Best Screenplay for The Count

2016 - Premio Platino

Best Screenplay for Neruda

2008 - Premio Altazor

Dramaturgy Category by Escuela

2007 - Premio Altazor de las Artes Nacionales

Category Performing Arts Dramaturgy by Neva

2006 - Premio del Círculo de Críticos de Arte

Best play by Neva

Previous dates:

2024 - International Tour

Festival de Teatro Olite, Navarra, España

2024 - International Tour

Teatro Mit Ribadabia, España

2024 - International Tour

Festival Grec, Barcelona, España

2024 - International Tour

Teatro Festival du Printemps des comediens, Montepellier, Francia

2023 - Special show

En Estadio Nacional a sala vacía como homenaje el 11 de septiembre de 2023.

2023 - Season

Teatro UC

2016 - Season

Teatro La Palabra, Santiago. CHILE Teatro Condell, Valparaíso. CHILE

2013 - International Tour

Festival de Liège. BÉLGICA Calarts Theater, REDCAT. EE.UU

2013 - International Tour

Centro Cultural San Martin, Buenos Aires. ARGENTINA

2013 - International Tour

Le Manege Maubeuge Mons. BÉLGICA

2012 - International Tour

Festival MESS en Sarajevo, BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA.

2012 - International Tour

Festival Brasilia. BRASIL

2012 - International Tour

Festival Viena. AUSTRIA

2012 - International Tour

Théatre de la Ville, Paris. FRANCIA

2012 - International Tour

Festival Internazionale della creazione contemporanea Terni, ITALIA

2012 - International Tour

EIF. Edinburgh International Festival. ESCOCIA

2012 - International Tour

Centro Dramático Nacional, Madrid. ESPAÑA

2011 Premier- Festival Teatro a Mil

Casa de Memoria José Domingo Cañas, Santiago. CHILE

2011 - Festival Teatro a Mil

Londres 38, Santiago. CHILE

2011 - Festival Teatro a Mil

Museo de la Memoria y los Derechos Humanos, Santiago. CHILE

2011 - International Tour

Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Multidisciplinary Theater. LISBOA

2011 - International Tour

Teatro SESC de Sao Paulo. BRASIL

2011 - International Tour

Teatro SESC San José de Rio Preto. BRASIL

2011 - International Tour

Festival Internacional de Buenos Aires – FIBA . ARGENTINA

2011 - International Tour

Teatro Molina de Segura. ESPAÑA. San Sebastián. ESPAÑA.

2011 - International Tour

Festival Les Translatines. Bayona. FRANCIA

2011 - International Tour

Festival Iberoamericano de Teatro. Cadiz. ESPAÑA. Teatro de Dusseldorf. ALEMANIA.

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