
21.1.2018 | None

The signing of an agreement promoting collaboration between Belgium, Uruguay, Argentina and Chile marks the end of PLATEA18

The signing of an agreement promoting collaboration between Belgium, Uruguay, Argentina and Chile marks the end of PLATEA18

The agreement was signed At the National Chamber of Commerce by Michael De Cock, Artistic Director of the KVS Theater (Belgium); José Miguel Onaindia, General Coordinator for the National Institute for Performing Arts in Uruguay; Cecilia Kuska, Provincial Director for Cultural Programming for the Province of Buenos Aires at the Ministry of Culture and Carmen Romero, Director of the Teatro a Mil Foundation.

After six days of activities with programmers from all over the world watching plays, visiting different places dedicated to creation (such as the Mahuidache Ceremonial Center, the Espacio Checoeslovaquia, NAVE and the Aldea del Encuentro), watching showcases and taking part in pitches and panels, PLATEA18 – the Programmers Week that is part of the Santiago a Mil International Festival – came to an end on Sunday January 21.

The final event took place at the National Chamber of Commerce in Santiago, where a new working alliance, reinforcing the aim that inspires PLATEA year after year of being a platform for collaboration and the touring of Latin American creators and companies, was celebrated. This new agreement promoting collaboration was signed by Michael De Cock, Artistic Director of the KVS Theater (Belgium); José Miguel Onaindia, General Coordinator for the National Institute for Performing Arts in Uruguay; Cecilia Kuska, Provincial Director for Cultural Programming for the Province of Buenos Aires at the Ministry of Culture and Carmen Romero, Director of the Teatro a Mil Foundation. It aims to provide a new model for cooperation as far as creation, exhibition and touring are concerned, as well as to showcase the potential of Chile, Argentina and Uruguay’s theater in Europe, supporting the works-in progress of theater companies from these three countries.

“Signing this agreement is great news for Chilean and Latin American theater and joins the other agreements signed during Programmers Week, such as the ones with the Timbre 4 company and the National Institute of Theater in Argentina”, comments Carmen Romero. “This is what is so lovely about the arts – they’re not exclusive and allow us to work with several different teams with no problem. For example, we have been working consistently with institutions in Uruguay and Argentina, resulting today in a Latin American Royal Court, which began this month and will end with the third stage in the city of Montevideo”, she adds. “We hope that the programmers go back to their countries inspired and asking themselves what we can do together for theater”, concludes the Teatro a Mil Foundation’s director.

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