Constanza Blanco
Alejandro Ferreira
Actor from the Catholic University of Chile with a Masters in Psychology from the Diego Portales University. Creator and director of the Alex Soprano musical project, which invites the audience to be part of a 3D audiovisual experience that tells the story of Alex and his band of post-binary creatures, who reflect on mental health and the construction of young people’s identities using music.
Camilo Navarro
Actor and theater researcher with a degree in Esthetics from the Catholic University of Chile. His project, called Desobedecer, is a theatrical research project adapted into an audiovisual piece that attempts to answer the question about why disobedience is necessary by analyzing and reflecting on historical and contemporary cases of resistance.
José Antonio Luer
Actor and playwright with a Masters in Directing from the University of Chile. Director of diverse productions with the La Bóveda Celeste Theater Company. Manifiesto de una mujer de cobre en la ventana is a performative piece that brings together different testimonies from women in Ventanas (a sacrifice area) and links their experiences to the current environmental conflict.
Melanie Catan
Graduate with a degree in Audiovisual Communication and in Acting from the Margarita Xirgu Municipal School of Dramatic Arts (MSDA) in 2015 and a Masters in Theater Studies (Autonomous University of Barcelona, 2021). Her project, Your connection attempt failed, is an essay on the separation of bodies and how two individuals structure their relationship using mobile phones and computers. This piece reflects on the constructs of time, silences and bodies and on ‘non-places’.
Leonor Courtoisie
Theater creator, actress, writer and coordinator for the Salvadora Editora label. Member of the Lincoln Center Theater’s Directors Lab and winner of the French Embassy’s Molière Award. Quizás si sostuviera el aire is a piece of theatrical research/rural investigation that is about the continuation of a dynamic process, the tension present when observing the environment and evidence of the crucial role of geographical contexts.
Bruno Acevedo
Multidisciplinary artist who researches poetry and journalistic-performative theater using the audiovisual medium. ANHEDONIA, o retrato vírico de una generación rendida won the second National Literature Award in 2020 from the Ministry of Education and Culture in Uruguay and debates the viral portrait of a generation that has given up in the face of authentic illusions - or dishonest paradoxes - of communication, consumerism and contemporary productivity.
Claudia Vanesa Figueroa
Multimedia artist, decolonial feminist and non-binary trans woman. She reflects on digital culture, post-colonialism and the impact of audiovisual media on contemporary identities. Her project, Feedback, is a transmedia play on the phenomenon of visual feedback in post-modernity. It explores the metaverses in fiction that we consume on a daily basis and questions the logic of human representation within the culture of the masses.
Julissa Paredes
Born in the city of Puno, she studied Social Communications and Acting. She took over the running of the La Negra Cultural Association in 2014. Based on the play Soy José Mamani by playwright Fernando Montanares from Arica, this project, called Soy José Mamani, un típico peruano cualquiera deals with the problems many migrants face in their quest for better opportunities.
Silvia Tomotaki
A theater artist who graduated from the Faculty of Science and Communications at the Catholic University in Peru and a student of the Creation-Theatrical Research Diploma of the Bergman Chair at the Autonomous National University of Mexico. Indisciplinada by this director describes her finding her grandfather’s documents to enter Peru. As a result, she questions her belonging to a country her grandfather needed permission to enter, that he always wanted to leave and where he stayed until his death.