
Jesús Urqueta Cazaudehore

Luis Alberto Heiremans

“Más que sobre el desamor, esta obra habla sobre el fracaso de la amistad ¿Cómo entender el triunfo de la soledad en Arpeggione?”.

- El Mostrador, 2018


  • Chile
  • + 14 years

"This rediscovery of Arpeggione is a major finding; mainly because it makes Heiremans' dramaturgy look powerful and, moreover, astonishingly modern”.

Arpeggione is the third part of the Buenaventura Trilogy by national playwright Luis Alberto Heiremans. It tells the story of Rosa and Lorenzo, musicians who, while rehearsing Schubert's Sonata in A minor for cello and piano, engage in an artistic dialogue that leads them to two inner journeys. The word Buenaventura becomes, in this staging, a metaphor that resonates in the protagonists as a mixture of hope and nostalgia; in a kind of paradise that, if at some point was attainable, becomes impossible to recover.


Jesús Urqueta Cazaudehore

Luis Alberto Heiremans

“Simpatía, ingenuidad, frustraciones, recuerdos, esperanzas, incertidumbres, deseos, humor, temores, ambiciones… hay en este diálogo de un hombre y de una mujer unidos por el amor a la música. Una producción que revaloriza al gran dramaturgo Luis Alberto Heiremans y aporta una clase magistral de actuación y humanidad”.

- Radio Bíobio, 2018


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