
Marco Vargas & Chloé Brûlé

Colección privada

By Marco Vargas & Chloé Brûlé

  • Spain
  • Todo público

“What a well-matched couple. What synchronization: the movement of one is sometimes finished by the other and vice versa, but in such a way that the viewer does not know where the original impulse came from”.

  • Diario de Sevilla, 2012

Welcome. We invite you to come in, to enter our dance gallery. You will be able to see some of the most precious pieces of our private collection. From minimalist to costumbrista, from classical to contemporary, including our latest acquisition. Each work is unique and they make up this collection. Please turn on your sensory device.

Since 2005 Vargas and Brûlé have formed a team in permanent creative harmony to build their own language from flamenco and contemporary dance. When they completed seven years of work and success, they created Colección Privada, a show with which they sought to revisit dance duets created in other contexts, transform them, dive into their essence, and show them from a new, more intimate side. Today, almost 20 years after their beginnings, they do it again.


Marco Vargas & Chloé Brûlé

“Hoy hay muchos bailaores y bailaoras a la vanguardia del flamenco, pero ninguna pareja que haga espectáculos tan gustosos como los suyos” .

-El Correo, 2012

“Parecen capaces de renovar el diálogo entre danza contemporánea y flamenco y la relación entre ambas artes y la calle, dos de los pilares de su mencionado lenguaje, junto con la búsqueda de imágenes bellas e impactantes, la energía y la pasión y la creación de dramaturgias simbólicas en torno a temas funmentales de la existencia humana, unos ejes temáticos nunca abandonados que también les han proporcionado una coherencia inapelable”.

-Revista La Teatral




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