

Direction: Michael Silva and Natalia Pizarro | Script: Michael Silva | Cast: Raúl Rocco and Gabriela Reyes de Pujadas | Edition and Production: Natalia Pizarro

Michael Silva


Acting, directing, creating

Michael is a Chilean theater, film and television actor. Among his filmography is Sudamerican Rockers, Zamudio, El Cristo ciego, Medea, Inmersión and others; productions with outreach in Chile and abroad in different film festivals including Cannes, Venice, Berlin, San Sebastian and Guadalajara. Michael is the scriptwriter and director of Melancolía, Bajo el sol and of his latest production, Demasiado humano.

-Because, in the words of its creator, this is a play that invites us to explore the hidden spaces of the human soul, "those inner worlds where it is embarrassing to enter because it’s so fragile and vulnerable to expose ourselves. It undresses us and reveals our true identity.”

-Because of its staging, which in terms of visuality and materiality bets on a minimalist creation, therefore reducing the direct interest towards the text and the performances, which are the constituent force of the play itself.

On Instagram, @michaelsilvadiaz


By The Los del camino Company | Written by Michael Silva | Co-directed by Michael Silva and Natalia Pizarro

  • Chile
  • Spanish
  • 30 minutes
  • + 16

In the middle of a pandemic, a man and a woman undress emotionally. An encounter of two lonely beings eager to love.

Two strangers awkwardly try to find answers to their sex addiction with which they have struggled for a long time. In the solitude of their involuntary confinement, they delve into the deepest recesses of their memories, from which past experiences will surface and bring some light as an answer to their disturbing inner worlds.

Written and directed by Michael Silva (Sudamerican Rockers, Zamudio, El cristo ciego), Melancolía was selected to be performed as part of Santiago and Antof a Mil 2022 by the Teatro a Mil´s national theater jury.

Direction: Michael Silva and Natalia Pizarro | Script: Michael Silva | Cast: Raúl Rocco and Gabriela Reyes de Pujadas | Edition and Production: Natalia Pizarro

Michael Silva


Acting, directing, creating

Michael is a Chilean theater, film and television actor. Among his filmography is Sudamerican Rockers, Zamudio, El Cristo ciego, Medea, Inmersión and others; productions with outreach in Chile and abroad in different film festivals including Cannes, Venice, Berlin, San Sebastian and Guadalajara. Michael is the scriptwriter and director of Melancolía, Bajo el sol and of his latest production, Demasiado humano.

-Porque, en voz de su creador, es una pieza que invita a explorar los espacios recónditos del alma humana, “aquellos mundos internos donde avergüenza adentrarse por lo frágil y vulnerable que resulta exponernos, ya que nos desnuda y devela nuestra verdadera identidad”.

-Por su puesta en escena, que en términos de visualidad y materialidad apuesta por una realización minimalista, reduciendo así el interés directo hacia el texto y las actuaciones, que son la fuerza constituyente de la obra en sí.

En Instagram, @michaelsilvadiaz


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