
From January 14th to 23rd on Teatroamil.tv


Soledad Gaspar Abraham


Master of Arts from the University of Chile. Actress and theater director. Under her direction she has produced plays such as Anarko (2018), Kassandra (2019) and Niebla (2020). In parallel she has also made installations such as Presente (2011), Centenials (2017), Paris (2020) and Lápices (2021). He also teaches at the film school of the Arcos Institute, faculty of arts and communication Uniacc and at the film school of the Universidad del Desarrollo.

Isidora Stevenson


Isidora Stevenson (1981) studied Theater at Universidad Arcis. In 2005 she is one of the founders of Teatro La Nacional where she directs: Little Medea in 2006, H.P. (Hans Pozo) in 2007, Safe in 2009, Fábula del niño y Los animales que se mueren in 2012. She also directed in 2012 for the XV Muestra de Dramaturgia Nacional the play Chicago-New York and Una plaza for the Universidad de Playa Ancha. As an actress she has worked in several plays, La Chancha, Santiago Flayte, Niñas Araña, Ensayos sobre la basura, Entelequia, Santiago High Tech among others. She currently teaches in the Diploma of Dramaturgy at the University of Chile and in the areas of acting and directing actors and actresses, in the Schools of Theater and Film at the Instituto Profesional Arcos.

-The pandemic has revealed the brutal abandonment of and solitude felt by seniors. The play invites us to think about old age as a something we will all eventually experience.

-The play tackles the issue of aging and the abandonment of seniors in Chile with humor and tenderness and also by incorporating technology.

-The play has been widely acclaimed by critics.

On Twitter: @TeatFinisTerrae

On Instagram: @teatrofinisterrae

On Facebook: @teatrofinisterrae.oficial


Produced by Teatro Finis Terrae | Directed by Soledad Gaspar | Written by Isidora Stevenson

  • Chile
  • Spanish
  • 40 minutes
  • + 16

Niebla narrates a dialogue between two women via video call. A play about friendship in old age.

This virtual production, written by award-winning playwright Isidora Stevenson (Hilda Peña), directed by Soledad Gaspar and performed by renowned actresses Gloria Münchmeyer and Gabriela Hernández relays the emotional videocall conversation between two women. In an encounter filled with emotion, affection and technology, Niebla talks of friendship in old age, the passing of time and being forgotten.

Nena and Carmen have known each other all their lives. For a long time, they were employee and housewife, but life and time have led them to forge a much stronger bond than that of a working relationship. Their past connects them in spite of distance and confinement. The play takes place the day they talk for the first time via videocall. Virtual reality lends itself to a conversation they have never had face-to face. In an emotional encounter that revisits different times of their lives and memories, they look back at issues such as affection and memory, the role of women, their awareness of their rights, putting things off and what is left behind as time passes.

The pandemic has brought to light the brutal abandonment of and solitude felt by seniors. The play is an invitation to think about old age as something we will all experience sooner or later. Niebla is a reencounter and a goodbye, with emotional performances.

This production marked the start of the Teatro Finis Terrae’s 2021 Virtual Season, joining its listings under the hashtag #CulturaFinisEnCasa in a season of plays created specifically for the virtual format and performed by outstanding casts, well-known in Chile.

Soledad Gaspar Abraham


Master of Arts from the University of Chile. Actress and theater director. Under her direction she has produced plays such as Anarko (2018), Kassandra (2019) and Niebla (2020). In parallel she has also made installations such as Presente (2011), Centenials (2017), Paris (2020) and Lápices (2021). He also teaches at the film school of the Arcos Institute, faculty of arts and communication Uniacc and at the film school of the Universidad del Desarrollo.

Isidora Stevenson


Isidora Stevenson (1981) studied Theater at Universidad Arcis. In 2005 she is one of the founders of Teatro La Nacional where she directs: Little Medea in 2006, H.P. (Hans Pozo) in 2007, Safe in 2009, Fábula del niño y Los animales que se mueren in 2012. She also directed in 2012 for the XV Muestra de Dramaturgia Nacional the play Chicago-New York and Una plaza for the Universidad de Playa Ancha. As an actress she has worked in several plays, La Chancha, Santiago Flayte, Niñas Araña, Ensayos sobre la basura, Entelequia, Santiago High Tech among others. She currently teaches in the Diploma of Dramaturgy at the University of Chile and in the areas of acting and directing actors and actresses, in the Schools of Theater and Film at the Instituto Profesional Arcos.

-La pandemia ha dejado en evidencia el brutal abandono y soledad que viven las y los adultos mayores. La obra es una invitación a pensar en la vejez como ese lugar al que tarde o temprano llegaremos.

-La obra aborda el tema de la vejez y el abandono de las y los adultos mayores en Chile, desde una mirada cargada de humor, ternura e incorporando el elemento tecnológico.

- La obra ha sido elogiada por la crítica.

En Twitter: @TeatFinisTerrae

En Instagram: @teatrofinisterrae

En Facebook: @teatrofinisterrae.oficial


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