Teatro digital
Direction and Dramaturgy: Raúl Rocco Rojas | Cast: Gimena Cancino Del Canto, Jorge González Troncoso, Ángel Lattus Vodanovic, Raúl Rocco Rojas, Verónica Torres Díaz | Art Direction: Guillermo Cortés Sánchez | Audiovisual Creation and Production: Francisco Aguirre Carvajal | Sound Design: Claudio Ortiz Chiang | Advertising Graphic Design: Guillermo Cortés Sánchez | In charge of streaming: Francisco Aguirre Carvajal | Audio Technician: Claudio Ortiz Chiang | Sound Designer: Lorena Quezada Araya | Administrative Assistant: Pilar Toro Higueras | Initial Musicalization: Raúl Mondaca
Raúl Rocco
Playwright and Director
An emblem of northern theater
In 1979, Rául Rocco became part the cast of the Teatro de la Universidad de Antofagasta company, for the first time as a guest. There, he was trained as an actor by Ángel Lattus and Teresa Ramos. He became part of the professional cast in 1985, having participated until today in almost all of the productions, also dabbling in dramaturgy and stage direction. He has also worked in film and television. Among the productions he has written and/or directed for the company are El galán atolondrado (1996), Soloman (2007), Comegato (2008), El coordinador, by Benjamín Galemiri (2014) and Panzer (2021), among others. Since 2014 he has been director of the Teatro de la Universidad de Antofagasta company.
Compañía de Teatro de la Universidad de Antofagasta
The company
Almost six decades of national and international trajectory
The company was founded in 1962 by Pedro de la Barra under the name Teatro Del Desierto. In 1964, it was renamed Compañía de Teatro de la Universidad de Chile sede Antofagasta. In 1981, when the headquarters of the Universidad de Chile merged with the headquarters of the Universidad Técnica de Estado, the Universidad de Antofagasta was born, so the group changed its name again, and, since then, it has been known as Compañía de Teatro de la Universidad de Antofagasta. Nowadays it is recognized as the only professional university theater company between Arica and Santiago. With 59 years of national and international trajectory, and more than 120 productions premiered, it is recognized both inside and outside Chile, which is reflected in their invitation to different festivals such as FITZA, FITAM, FETEF, Temporales Teatrales, Lluvias de Teatro, FITDANZ, and others in Argentina, Colombia, Ecuador and Paraguay. The company is directed by Raúl Rocco Rojas.
-Because it is a play that illustrates the remainders of a near and still painful past: the present of dozens of military personnel who participated in the crimes committed during the dictatorship and who have not been prosecuted by the justice. A situation that, causes divisions even within families.
-Because the theater company of the Universidad de Antofagasta is one of the oldest and longest-running theatrical groups in Chile, with presence in several international festivals, and because it stays at the forefront of artistic practices in northern Chile.
On Instagram @ciateatroua
On Facebook Compañía de Teatro de la Universidad de Antofagasta
Website www.teatrouantof.com
By Compañía de Teatro Universidad de Antofagasta | Written and directed by Raúl Rocco
In the midst of the pandemic, the sons of Panzer, a retired military man in his old age, must decide who will take care of the patriarch, a man with dark secrets.
The past takes its toll on a family whose patriarchal figure is a retired military man, nicknamed Panzer, with a dark past. Ambition, misery, envy, prejudice, ideals and madness confront each other in the midst of the pandemic, alerting us to a disturbing new way of interacting.
Panzer, written and directed by Raúl Rocco, and starring the renowned actor Ángel Lattus, was selected to be performed as part of Santiago and Antof a Mil 2022 by the Teatro a Mil’s national theater jury.
Direction and Dramaturgy: Raúl Rocco Rojas | Cast: Gimena Cancino Del Canto, Jorge González Troncoso, Ángel Lattus Vodanovic, Raúl Rocco Rojas, Verónica Torres Díaz | Art Direction: Guillermo Cortés Sánchez | Audiovisual Creation and Production: Francisco Aguirre Carvajal | Sound Design: Claudio Ortiz Chiang | Advertising Graphic Design: Guillermo Cortés Sánchez | In charge of streaming: Francisco Aguirre Carvajal | Audio Technician: Claudio Ortiz Chiang | Sound Designer: Lorena Quezada Araya | Administrative Assistant: Pilar Toro Higueras | Initial Musicalization: Raúl Mondaca
Raúl Rocco
Playwright and Director
An emblem of northern theater
In 1979, Rául Rocco became part the cast of the Teatro de la Universidad de Antofagasta company, for the first time as a guest. There, he was trained as an actor by Ángel Lattus and Teresa Ramos. He became part of the professional cast in 1985, having participated until today in almost all of the productions, also dabbling in dramaturgy and stage direction. He has also worked in film and television. Among the productions he has written and/or directed for the company are El galán atolondrado (1996), Soloman (2007), Comegato (2008), El coordinador, by Benjamín Galemiri (2014) and Panzer (2021), among others. Since 2014 he has been director of the Teatro de la Universidad de Antofagasta company.
Compañía de Teatro de la Universidad de Antofagasta
The company
Almost six decades of national and international trajectory
The company was founded in 1962 by Pedro de la Barra under the name Teatro Del Desierto. In 1964, it was renamed Compañía de Teatro de la Universidad de Chile sede Antofagasta. In 1981, when the headquarters of the Universidad de Chile merged with the headquarters of the Universidad Técnica de Estado, the Universidad de Antofagasta was born, so the group changed its name again, and, since then, it has been known as Compañía de Teatro de la Universidad de Antofagasta. Nowadays it is recognized as the only professional university theater company between Arica and Santiago. With 59 years of national and international trajectory, and more than 120 productions premiered, it is recognized both inside and outside Chile, which is reflected in their invitation to different festivals such as FITZA, FITAM, FETEF, Temporales Teatrales, Lluvias de Teatro, FITDANZ, and others in Argentina, Colombia, Ecuador and Paraguay. The company is directed by Raúl Rocco Rojas.
-Porque es una obra que lleva a escena las esquirlas de un pasado cercano y aún doloroso: el presente de decenas de militares que participaron de los crímenes cometidos en la dictadura y que no han sido procesados por la justicia. Una situación que, como se ve en la obra, provoca divisiones hasta al interior de su propia familia.
-Para ver el nuevo trabajo de la Compañía de la Universidad de Antofagasta, una de las agrupaciones teatrales más antiguas y con más trayectoria del teatro chileno, con presencia en distintos festivales internacionales y que está a la vanguardia de las prácticas artísticas en el norte de Chile.
En Instagram, @ciateatroua
En Facebook, Compañía de Teatro de la Universidad de Antofagasta
Sitio web, www.teatrouantof.com