La directora Soledad Gaspar Abraham
Dramaturgo Auka

Discipline: Performance | Journey | Urban intervention

Duration: 25 minutes

Recommended for: +15

Language: Spanish

Mi corazón duele de solo pronunciar su nombre is a theater play with actors who have no physical bodies and no fixed abode. A journey takes place between Tomé and another city abandoned during the pandemic. Only one voice is heard - that of a non-human being who tells of their mishaps in the past and during confinement - and certain images are projected onto the cement, buildings and streets. On this journey, we listen to an audio message of someone talking to Ana, who we never see or hear. This is a contemporary play that talks about being on the margins and about love, art, abuse and the tenderness of a being who seems not to understand humanity at all. Both harsh and ruthless, it is written humorously and thoughtfully by Héctor Morales in an attempt to make the invisible visible.

MCDDSPSN has two formats. One involves virtual reality and the spectator listening to an audio recording, with images projected onto their path. The other, held in person, involves the audience listening to the audio recording on their own devices, looking at images projected throughout the city on a journey without a set route.


Soledad Gaspar Abraham Graduating in Communications from the Diego Portales University and in Acting from the Fernando González Theater Club, she also studied dance at the Espiral Center. She has worked as a casting director for film on national productions such as Bonsái by Cristián Jiménez, El Futuro by Alicia Scherson, De jueves ...


Auka This performance designer, creator and theatrical researcher has a Master in Arts in Theater Directing from the University of Chile. He acted and performed in the play La condición humana by Lisandro Rodríguez in 2020, which was coproduced by the Teatro a Mil Foundation and the Buenos Aires International Festival. ...


Directed by: Soledad Gaspar | Script by: Aukanaw Campos | Performer: Héctor Morales | Sound: Damián Noguera | Audiovisual editing and photography: Gomar Fernández.

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