
Robert Lepage

Ex Machina

“Celebrado por sus imágenes de infarto y sus impresionantes efectos técnicos, el prodigio teatral de Quebec, Robert Lepage, ha llegado a la mayoría de edad. Por primera vez, su estilo colaborativo y épico ha producido un guion en el que la narrativa está en perfecto equilibrio con lo visual, y el resultado es una notable producción de siete horas que ocupa su lugar junto a creaciones tan legendarias como El Mahabharata y Nicholas Nickleby de Peter Brook y la Royal Shakespeare Company”

- Variety, 1995.

Los siete arroyos del río Ōta

By Robert Lepage | Production Ex Machina

  • Canada
  • + 15 años

For the first time in South America, Robert Lepage's masterpiece is presented, a unique theatrical experience that pays tribute to the survivors of the nuclear attack on Hiroshima, spread around the world.

Due to its length, this work includes two breaks of 10 and 5 minutes and three intermissions of 20, 45 and 20 minutes.

To the streams of the river Ōta correspond seven stories which, from 1945 to 1995, illustrate three scourges that haunted the second half of the twentieth century: concentration camp death, of which the Nazi campaigns were one of the most extreme illustrations; nuclear death, born out of a blinding glow one morning of August 1945; and viral death, which, along with AIDS, marked the end of the millennium.

From one story to the next, a common thread emerges, a quest for meaning and serenity in the face of death and horror. It is led by characters opposing sensuality or laughter to adversity: an irradiated hibakusha who survives intimate wounds, a prestidigitator whose pathetic tricks nevertheless brighten up his fellow inmates, a performance artist who discovers the Middle Way where she does not await it… And a young western dancer who came to be initiated to butō. Fifty years after the bomb, he can, in turn, contemplate Miyajima’s torii, the sacred gate that seemingly floats on the waters deposited in Hiroshima Bay by the seven streams of the river Ōta.


Robert Lepage

Ex Machina

“Un espectáculo poderoso conjurado por el mago del teatro franco-canadiense Robert Lepage y su compañía Ex Machina. Históricamente de gran alcance, teatralmente inventivo y peculiarmente resonante hoy”

- The Guardian, 2020.

“En su mejor momento, la epopeya de Hiroshima de Robert Lepage es impresionante. Un drama de gran alcance sin miedo”

- Time Out, 2020.




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