
From January 21st to 23rd, Estación Central

Performed by: Álvaro Armand Ugón, Sofía Lara, Mané Pérez | Directed by: Marianella Morena| Written by: Marianella Morena | Produced by: Lucía Etcheverry | Journalistic producer: Antonio Ladra | Original score and sound design: Maia Castro | Assistant director: Thamara Martínez| Lighting designer: Ivana Domínguez | Set design and creation: Ivana Domínguez and Mariana Pereira| Wardrobe: Ana Paula Segundo| Staging assistant and water system: Juan Andrés Piazza | Graphic designer: Nicolás Batista| Publicity shots: Lu Silva Musso and Cecilia Moreira

Marianella Morena


Looking into myths and the construction of identity

This Uruguayan actress, playwright and director (1968) has trained in several different countries, such as Argentina, France and Poland and has spent a large part of her career writing plays and teaching. She has won the Molière Award from the French Embassy in Uruguay and a grant from the Goethe Institute for further studies in Berlin. She has written different dramatic texts, including Las julietas (2009), Antígona Oriental (2012) and No daré hijos, daré versos (2014).

Teatro La Morena

The company

Dialogue between fact and fiction

Created in 2009, Teatro la Morena has put on productions in formats ranging from monologues to camera to shows with 120 artists on stage. With work that they define as a dialogue between fact and fiction, this company captures its commitment to gender in the issues dealt with by its productions and performances, making them one of Uruguayan theater’s best international exports.

“This is the latest piece by playwright Marianella Morena, based on Operation Ocean and what happened in court, what was published in the media during the controversy, what eventually ended up happening and what, after its premiere, ended up receiving a standing ovation”

–El Observador, Uruguay

“With its cutting and investigative perspective, Muñecas de piel is much more than a play based on Operation Ocean”.

- El Observador

“A theater that includes a critique that makes us feel uncomfortable”.

-La Diaria

“The audience is completely and successfully overwhelmed by the uncompassionate cast. Every emotion is bubbling right under the surface, except for the fact that you, dear spectator, are made of something lifeless”.


–The way it is directed and written constructs and captures a type of ever-present and systematic violence, taking the audience deep into Operation Ocean and one of the most controversial trials to take place in Uruguay in the last few years. “Morena directs this piece masterfully; she knows about excess, she knows how to play with exacerbation”, indicates Semanario Búsqueda in Uruguay.

–Its strange and complex staging does not go unnoticed. Constructing the environment takes a leading role and becomes part of the cast itself as far as its physical and symbolic structure is concerned. “Other masterful resources stand out, such as the water that takes over the stage and the characters as a metaphor for sinking”, said critic Carmen Galusso about the play on the radio program La mañana en camino (FM 98.7) in Montevideo, Uruguay.

Operation Ocean: This is the name given to the case that led to the largest trial for crimes of a sexual nature in Uruguay. The investigation, which began in 2019, ended up charging 33 men with pimping, trafficking drugs and sexual exploitation of minors. Among those accused were a former judge of minors, lawyers, architects, teachers, a headmaster, businessmen, councilors, a substitute congressman and public relations officers.

Muñecas de piel

Written and directed by Marianella Morena |A Teatro La Morena production

  • Uruguay
  • Spanish
  • 70 minutes
  • + 16

The story of Uruguay’s largest network sexually exploiting minors is brought to the stage in a play that is both raw and sensitive.

On March 20, 2020, the body of a 17 year old girl appeared in the Solís River in Montevideo. A search of her mobile phone showed conversations of an erotic nature between her, other minors and adults. These findings became one of the most important discoveries of Operation Ocean, which ended with the fall of Uruguay’s largest network sexually exploiting minors. The controversy, which infiltrated the upper echelons of power in Uruguayan society, became a media sensation, marking a before and after in the way sexual crimes were dealt with in this Latin American country.

Premiered in July 2021, Muñecas de piel brings to the stage a piece based on this story. This play stands out both because of its raw and sensitive subject matter as well as its staging, with two tubs fuelling what happens on stage with 2,000 liters of water. The actors get wet and are covered in mud; no one escapes ‘untouched’ and the silence is perpetual.

Performed by: Álvaro Armand Ugón, Sofía Lara, Mané Pérez | Directed by: Marianella Morena| Written by: Marianella Morena | Produced by: Lucía Etcheverry | Journalistic producer: Antonio Ladra | Original score and sound design: Maia Castro | Assistant director: Thamara Martínez| Lighting designer: Ivana Domínguez | Set design and creation: Ivana Domínguez and Mariana Pereira| Wardrobe: Ana Paula Segundo| Staging assistant and water system: Juan Andrés Piazza | Graphic designer: Nicolás Batista| Publicity shots: Lu Silva Musso and Cecilia Moreira

Marianella Morena


Looking into myths and the construction of identity

This Uruguayan actress, playwright and director (1968) has trained in several different countries, such as Argentina, France and Poland and has spent a large part of her career writing plays and teaching. She has won the Molière Award from the French Embassy in Uruguay and a grant from the Goethe Institute for further studies in Berlin. She has written different dramatic texts, including Las julietas (2009), Antígona Oriental (2012) and No daré hijos, daré versos (2014).

Teatro La Morena

The company

Dialogue between fact and fiction

Created in 2009, Teatro la Morena has put on productions in formats ranging from monologues to camera to shows with 120 artists on stage. With work that they define as a dialogue between fact and fiction, this company captures its commitment to gender in the issues dealt with by its productions and performances, making them one of Uruguayan theater’s best international exports.

»Es la última obra de la dramaturga Marianella Morena, la que se basa en la Operación Océano, la que pasó por los juzgados, la que llegó a los medios a caballo de la polémica, la que finalmente se hizo y la que, al final y en su estreno, se aplaudió de pie«.

–El Observador de Uruguay

»Con mirada afilada e inquisitiva, Muñecas de piel es mucho más que una obra basada en Operación Océano«.

- El Observador

»Un teatro de denuncia que incomoda«.

-La Diaria

»Los espectadores somos apabullados con absoluto éxito por la terna de actores, sin compasión. Todas las emociones quedarán a flor de piel, salvo que usted, amabilísimo lector, esté confeccionado de materia inerte«.


–Por su dirección y dramaturgia, que construye y plasma una violencia cotidiana, presente y sistémica que va sumergiendo al espectador en la trama misma de la Operación Océano, uno de los casos judiciales más polémicos que haya tenido Uruguay en el último tiempo. “Morena dirige con mano maestra en esta cuerda; conoce el desborde, sabe jugar con la exacerbación”, destacó el Semanario Búsqueda, de Uruguay

–Por su puesta en escena peculiar y compleja que no pasa desapercibida. La construcción de aquel entorno toma protagonismo, transformándose en una parte más del elenco, tanto desde su estructura material como simbólica. “Se destacan otros recursos magistrales como el agua que va invadiendo el escenario y a los personajes como una gran metáfora del hundimiento”, dijo de la obra la crítica Carmen Galusso en el programa radial La mañana en camino (FM 98.7), de Montevideo, Uruguay.

Operación Océano: Con este nombre se denominó al caso que derivó en el mayor proceso judicial por delitos de índole sexual en Uruguay. La investigación, comenzada en 2019, concluyó con 33 hombres formalizados bajo los cargos de proxenetismo, suministro de estupefacientes y explotación sexual de menores de edad. Entre los imputados se encontraban un ex juez de menores, abogados, arquitectos, docentes, el director de un liceo, empresarios, ediles, un diputado suplente y relacionistas públicos.


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